Business Valuation

Business Valuation

There are many situations where a valuation of a business, its shareholdings, and its assets will be required, and Meer & Co’s forensic accounting team can undertake these business valuations and more relating to the following matters:

    • For inheritance tax purposes when shares or assets in a business are not subject to relief from tax
    • Professional negligence claims.
    • Commercial disputes, an example being shareholder and partnership disputes
    • For capital gains tax purposes, when businesses or shares are transferred between connected persons
    • In matrimonial disputes
    • Commercial transactions where buyers or sellers are looking for a guide price
    • Transaction pricing

Our experts are also experienced in the valuation of partnership interests, stock options, intellectual property and other intangible assets, warrants, and the capitalised value of lost earnings.

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Reasons to choose Meer & Co

    • We offer an initial free, no-obligation telephone call or meeting
    • We bring practical commercial insights to your project with our background in accountancy,
    • We have the skill and expertise required to identify and consider the key factors relevant to an individual business and to assess the most appropriate business valuation methods to apply in each situation
    • We consistently produce robust business valuations upon which key decisions can be based.

Flexible Expertise
We can provide you with a professional and independent expert business valuation to the standard required for use in court proceedings and we can be appointed either in an advisory capacity or as independent expert (party appointed or single joint expert).

We have also acted in the capacity of party appointed shadow expert in order to assess the reasonableness of another expert’s business valuation. Shadow experts can either identify key areas of challenge to a valuation or provide a party with confidence over the reasonableness of a valuation as the case may be.

Objective and Independent
Meer & Co strives to adhere to and stay in line with all regulations and standards of our professional body ICAEW.  We are objective and independent and our work reflects the highest level of professional quality and service. Meer & Co works with clients and their legal advisors as required to ensure the valuation delivered is fit for purpose and provides the end client with value for money.
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